
Workplaces in Pakistan sometimes become the very place where careers are stifled and employee prosperity shrinks. Corporate gas lighting, gender bias, and other such subtle discriminatory practices often sneak under the radar, making many feel frustrated, undervalued, and powerless.

In this blog, we will talk about how corporate gas lighting and gender bias not only exist but thrive in Pakistan’s workplace destroying careers and affecting mental health. More so, we will discuss how you can rise above these challenges by taking proactive steps to empower yourself. Confronting manipulation at your workplace or dealing with systemic biases you are key to work around these difficulties.

Understanding the Workplace Challenges

All workplaces are affected by gender biases and other subtle unethical practices that affect an office environment. It’s nothing new, but definitely something that should be addressed and dealt with.

Corporate Gas lighting

Gas lighting is a psychological manipulation tactic where your achievements are downplayed or dismissed, leading you to doubt your reality and abilities. You might start to question your worth and think of yourself as someone who is not competent enough making the work environment unhealthy for you.

Gender Bias

Gender bias is still an issue in many organizations. Many women often face difficulties in breaking through the glass ceiling to secure leadership roles. Their efforts are often taken for granted or misinterpreted as having a lesser degree of commitment to their careers because of their family or marital status.

This prejudice becomes more vivid in the cases of 'corporate feminism,' whereby females are given the titles of leaders with and without authority or chances that do not stand for growth.

The Impact on Your Career and Well-being

These negative behaviors reflect in your work and can have a toll on your mental health as well. Corporate gas lighting and gender bias can impose some serious threats, such as;

Emotional and Mental Strain:

The pressure, manipulation, or unjust evaluation can build up stress, anxiety, and insecurity. This weighs so heavily on emotions that working to full potential becomes a difficulty and ultimately leads to burnout and exhaustion.

Career Stagnation:

When employees aren’t noticed or provided with chances that they merit, it comes off as though their career has hit a wall. Not being acknowledged, and being treated unfairly robs credible resources of much-needed optimism about the future.

How to Recognize and Address the Issues

The first step in overcoming these challenges is to recognize when they are happening. Understanding how gas lighting and gender bias works, can empower you to take action.

Manipulation (For Corporate Gas lighting)

If you often feel like you’re “overreacting” or if your contributions are dismissed or minimized, and mainly if you feel like something is wrong, then you might indeed be experiencing a touch of the gaslight. To prevent this, it is essential to document your work as well as your interactions and accomplishments. Having a record will make it possible to show substantial proof of what you have achieved and also protect yourself from being manipulated.

Lack of Consideration (For Gender Bias)

If you’re regularly passed over for leadership roles, or if your ideas and contributions are dismissed because of your gender, it’s time to speak up for yourself. Be vocal about your achievements and do not shy away from seeking opportunities that truly align with your skill and potential - and demand the rightful compensation for your efforts.

Steps to Empowering Yourself Against Workplace Toxicity

Once you’ve identified the challenges, it’s time to take action. Here are a few steps to help you regain control and empower yourself in your career:

Develop a Thick Skin

When you decide to become a part of the corporate world you expose yourself to a male-dominant environment. To stand out in such a dynamic, you need to have the strength and resilience of a lioness. It will help you better cope with workplace stress and setbacks. So, you need to set emotional boundaries, practice self-care, and engage in activities that recharge you. In addition, you need to look past anger and respond within corporate boundaries by playing on your strengths – such as work-related concerns. This will help you regain control of an adverse situation by holding accountability over the heads of those who underperform, yet take the medal from you based on their gender.

Be Clear About Your Goals

It important to know where you want to go. Especially when working in competitive environments, having achievable goals is the key. Break your larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate your progress along the way. This helps you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with obstacles.

Link up with Mentors and Allies

Having a company that helps you grow is also one of the less discussed factors when it comes to coping with your struggles. People who understand what you are going through and have been through it will be able to guide you better. So find a support system, peers who keep you motivated and offer valuable perspectives on how to navigate difficult situations.

Be All About Skill Development

Working on yourself and your growth can never go wrong. When you work on yourself you sign up for growth. Whether you choose to stay at your current job or seek new opportunities, becoming an expert in your field can open doors and help you in your career development.

The Coach360 - A Hand For Help

Workplaces are riddled with challenges and obstacle derived from our “human nature.” As social creatures, we tend to find ways to either support or sabotage others. While some peers might be on your side, others aren’t. This is where The Coach360 comes in. We are a career counselling and career development centre based in Karachi – Co-founded by Burhan Mirza, offering support through five verticals;

  • Sponsorship – Likes to partner and collaborate with different institutions and initiatives that work towards the betterment and uplifting of the community.

  • Career guidance – offers 1:1 and personalized sessions to individuals from relevant trainers and thought leaders.

  • Education and Development – Collaborates with educational organizations to get students future ready for the workplace.

  • Thinkers and thought leaders – Coach360 houses a panel of renowned motivational speakers and trainers to conduct workshops and help individuals find their true calling

  • Corporate trainings and workshops – Coach360 plans and organizes workshops and training sessions for corporates focusing on their corporate pain points.

So, if you are someone who is looking for guidance on how to navigate career obstacles, the coach360 is here to help. Through personalized coaching, you’ll gain the clarity, confidence, and strategies needed to overcome difficulties and achieve your career goals. It’s time to take control of your professional journey and create the path to success you’ve been working toward.